The Fashion Revolution Will Be Televised

We asked Remake founder Ayesha Barenblat and Kim Almeida of the Levi Strauss Foundation to tell us why we should all give a damn about how our clothes are made.

Guest Profiles


Kim Almeida (LinkedIn) leads Levi Strauss Foundation’s (Twitter) commitment to improve the wellbeing of people working in clothing factories around the world. From Haiti to Sri Lanka, she has listened to the needs of the women who make Levi Strauss & Co. products and set up programs to help address the challenges faced by factory workers, be it access to reproductive health information or reducing harassment and gender inequity in the workplace. Kim loves working across a truly global team on an issue she cares deeply about: the wellbeing of the people who make our clothes. Her advice to anyone interested in a sustainable career: “Be patient, embrace every opportunity as a chance to grow and be humble but ambitious in your career. I feel like humility is such a great trait that doesn’t get enough attention. Also, find something that you’re passionate about. For me, my personal and professional interests are one and the same.”

She has a Master of Pacific International Affairs from University of California, San Diego’s School of International Relations. Hailing from Guatemala, Kim is fluent in Spanish and German and proficient in Portuguese.



Ayesha Barenblat (LinkedIn|Twitter) is the Founder of Remake (Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube). Remake’s is focused on the power of films, visual storytelling and immersive journeys to create a conscious consumer movement. Remake’s stories appeal to the hearts and minds of millennial consumers to advocate for the human beings who make our clothes in factories around the world. Ayesha loves to ask: “If you see her, meet her, get to know her, will you care about her – knowing that she is the same age as you, with hopes and dreams that are no different?” She wants every consumer to recognize how powerful they are, that every purchase matters and directly impacts the fierce and hard working women behind our fashion. Together we can #remakeourworld.

Ayesha is passionate about where things come from, who made them and what their lives are like. She has spent the last decade working with brands, governments and nonprofits to improve the lives of makers in global supply chains. She has a master’s degree in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley.

Curator Profiles


As the interim Executive Director of Spark (Facebook | Twitter) Amanda Brock (Twitter | LinkedIn ) is leading a network of young professionals in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and New York City who invest to improve the lives of women around the world.

Prior to Spark, Amanda worked in the advertising industry, bringing years of strategic communication, marketing expertise and client management to her role at Spark. She has worked on the ground with FairServices Peru in Cuzco, Peru and has led a Spark Delegation to visit women-led grassroots organizations in Lima, Peru. Amanda has a B.A. in Communication with Honors from University of California, Santa Barbara.

In addition to being a guest on the episode “When Women are Stronger… We all Rise” she also assisted with curating “The Fashion Revolution Will Be Televised”. Thanks Amanda!

Show Notes

Sponsor messages donated to Fibershed and Business for Social Responsibility by The Ambassadors Circle 

Special shout out to Andrea Plell from Ecologique Fashion who continues to be a great source of information and guidance on the ethical and sustainable fashion industry.

Learn more here...

What’s the 411:

Top 5 Events:

  • Fleet Week in San Francisco this weekend October 7th- 10th viewed in various locations for free or purchase tickets
  • Silicon Valley African Film Festival with various events at various locations throught the weekend of October 14th - 16th
  • Girls’ Festival presented by WorldWideWomen at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco on October 15th
  • Savor Filipino an immersive rooftop culinary experience organized by the Filipino Food Movement and held at 344 20th Street in Oakland on Oct. 15th
  • The Power is Ours a summit on Blacks in Tech at Oakland’s Kapor Center for Social Impact on October 15th


Extras: The Last Word by Eva Kruse

Production: Sound Design by Courtney Grace with Hosts Christianne Harder and j- plus Production Assistance from and Jen Huynh

360BayArea intro music by Courtney Grace with vocals by ElleT
Featured Music by Danny Swain “Oh My”, SPACE COMMANDER ZERO “My Only Dream”, clarke kent “sweet”, Haf-Time “This Is For Me”, Nektar_Pro “Inspiring Hip-Hop”, Haf-Time “So Many Things”, and Low Hanging Fruit “Bangers and Mash”

Featured Quick clips:
Mary J Blige “What’s the 411
Drake ft Future “Grammys
Redman “Time 4 sum Aktion

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